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Statistics & Probability

Data Analysis

Central Tendencies: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range


It is important for students to be able to understand and interpret averages in different situations. Students must select the most appropriate form of average to use depending on the type of information that they are provided. Students are also expected to be able to display data using a variety of tables and graphs.

This is the foldable that students completed for notes.

Central Tendencies: Application of Averages


These are practice questions for students to demonstrate their understanding of when to use a specific type of average.

Central Tendencies: Poster Project


Students will select a topic of interest and collect data to complete measures of central tendencies.

Poster Rubric

Poster Example

Effects of Outliers​


Sometimes data is collected but there is one piece of data that does not fit with the rest. We must decide if it should be part of our calculations or not.


Expressing Probability

Ratios, Fractions and Percents​


It is important for students understand that probability can be represented in multiple forms. The probability of an event is usually in fraction form. Percents are used to report weather (the likelihood that it will rain today). It can also be represented as a ratio.

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